

Anything to do with ‘down there’ can be tricky to navigate. If you’re wondering who to talk to about your sexual health, worry not. There are an array of services and resources that can help.

Local support

Sexual health service | ICaSH

If you're looking for advice on contraception, treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV care and treatment or related advice in Bedfordshire, iCaSH is your go-to place. 

 C-card scheme | iCaSH

The c-card scheme is aimed at young people between 13-24 years old who can register to get a range of free condoms, femidoms, lube, dams, information and advice.

Types of contraception | Icash

Picking the right contraception can be a sticky decision. Lucikly this website helps you unravel the mystery and find the perfect fit for you and your partners.


Brook operates several sexual health and wellbeing services across the UK, including Bedfordshire. They are committed to supporting young people.

Sexual health advice | Beds School nursing service

The School Nursing Service is made up of specialist nurses and staff who can help you during your time at school.

You can also text the school nurses on 07507 331450 to get confidential help and advice.

Sexual assault advice | Emerald Centre

The Emerald Centre offers free, confidential over-the-phone and in-person support to people of all ages who have experienced sexual assault.

National support

Sex & Relationships | The Mix

At The Mix, they support better relationships and a happy sex life, offering guidance on breakups, contraception, love, and sexuality.

Sexual health | Health for Teens

This website is primarily a health promotion service specifically designed for teenagers, covering subjects that promote a healthy body and mind.

Female Genital Mutilation | NHS

Support for those who have suffered female genital mutilation (FGM). It is a procedure where the female genitals are deliberately cut, injured, or changed, but there's no medical reason for this to be done.

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