Relationships can be both exciting and challenging. Whether it's friendships, a situationship, family or serious relationships, they play a crucial role in our lives. Understanding healthy dynamics is vital for your wellbeing. If you need guidance, support is here for you!



National support

Relationships | Think U Know

Discover the ins and outs of healthy relationships – from friendships to family and romance. Think U Know can help you learn about trust, communication, and support to navigate the complexities of connections in your life.

Unhealthy relationships | Childline

Relationships can be confusing. Especially if you really like someone but they do things you're not comfortable with. Childline can help you think about what feels right for you.

Toxic Relationships | Act On It

Learn about what healthy, unhealthy and toxic relationships look like. Get help from Act On It if you're worried about your own relationship or someone else's.

Abusive Relationships | Think U Know

Every relationship should be safe, loving, & respectful. Feeling scared or controlled isn't okay. Seek support if you're in an abusive relationship

Healthy Relationships | Brook

It’s natural to be curious about sex and relationships. Brook has information on relationships, consent, dating and challenges. It also has real stories looking at different things like dealing with a break up, setting boundaries, dating apps with a disability and loads more.

Is my relationship healthy | The Mix

Worried about your partner's behavior? Discover your relationship's health with The Mix’s tool and find guidance if needed.

Sexual assault support | Emerald Centre

The Emerald Centre offers free, confidential support to people of all ages who have experienced sexual assault.

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Does life feel like it is spinning out of control? If you or someone you know needs help right away, support is here for you.