Exam stress

Managing exam stress involves more than just the pre-exam nerves. From the anticipation of results to dealing with the outcome, it can be a journey filled with pressure and uncertainty. Finding ways to handle this stress at every stage can make a significant difference to your mental health and wellbeing - as well as build your resilience for whatever the outcome might be.

Local and national support

Study and exam tips | The Mix

Being a student often means stressing about exams and deadlines, but that doesn't mean you should feel constantly overwhelmed. The Mix offers practical tips to help manage school-related stress and keep you on track.

University exam stress | Student Minds

Student Minds helps tackle university exam stress. Learn about stress and its impact as you prepare for exams.

Exam stress guide | youngMinds

Pressure to do well in exams can be overwhelming and affect your mental health. Here's is Youngmind’s advice if it's all getting a bit too much.

Exam stress and pressure | Childline

If you’re feeling stressed about your exams, you aren’t alone. Get advice and tips to help you cope from Childline.

Exam stress | Mind

Information for young people ( 11-18 year olds) on understanding exam stress and where to go for support.

Exam Stress | Health for Teens

Health for Teens offers practical tips for managing exam stress. Learn effective strategies to ease pressure during exams. They even have a podcast.

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